Species Name: Conoclinium coelestinum, Eupatorium coelestinum
Common Name: Blue Mistflower, Hardy
Zone: 4 to 8
Light: Full Sun to Light
Shade to Half shade
Soil Moisture: Wet to Moist
to Medium
Soil Types: Sand, Loam,
Fertility: Average to Rich
pH: 5.5 to 7.5
Bloom Time: July to October
A 2 to 3 ft
tall species that spreads rapidly from rhizomatous roots. Useful as a tall ground cover to
stabilize banks and to naturalize disturbed areas. Typically found in moist soils of streamsideÕs,
bottom land forests and wet meadows. Colorful light blue flowers bloom for an
extended period in late summer early fall.
Very attractive to insects and butterflies. Easy to establish from root divisions or
from seed.